Saturday, July 11, 2009

I DiD IT!!!

Whoo-hooo!!! Today was day one of my injectables, Repronex and Follistim and I did it! I was VERY nervous about ensuring that I gave myself the proper dosage, mixed the Repronex correctly and injected it correctly. They are are both subcutaneous shots (under the skin vs in the muscle) and I injected them in my tummy. I have never had to give myself shots before so this was a very big step but definently a well worth one if it brings us our little girl....just another step of many but we are getting CLOSER "-)


LL said...

I am so proud of you D! I am not afraid of needles but i don't know if I could give myself a shot and watch me do it at the same time!

You are in my prayers!


Anita said...

Yay! I'm not sure I could give MYSELF a shot even though I don't mind getting them. Keep it up!