Friday, June 12, 2009

This is it...the count down!

Hubby and I had an appt at the fertility clinic today to sign consent forms and discuss our upcoming IVF schedule. Of course this is all tentative b/c things could change along the way depending on how my body reacts to the medications, etc....there are so many factors and hopefully I can avoid getting OHSS during all of this as well. So many many things to take into consideration...but like our IVF coordinator told us...we need to take things ONE DAY AT A TIME! I am trying to do this, but not always easy. Ok so here's our tentative schedule:

Continue taking BC pills until 7/6/09
Start Stim Plan (stimulation medications) on 7/11/09
Potential Egg Retrieval between 7/21-7/25/09
Potential Embryo Transfer 7/25-7/29/09

Wow....hard to believe it's right around the corner. SO....if this works then I will find out I am PG very early Aug!!!! I am contemplating acupuncture. The evidence is all very positive showing a positive correlation between acupuncture and positive IVF cycle outcomes. I have never done acupuncture before so I am not sure what to expect. I want to know at the end of this (which probably are one and only chance) that I did all that I could if things do not end up favorably. Over and over again I hear wonderful things about acupuncture and I do not want to regret having not tried if this does not work although it would be hard to even know if that was the "breaking piece" to it all. So the fertility clinic provided me a referral, reccomendation to begin now, 1-2x/wk (heard 1x/wk is usually fine) and then right before and right after the embryo transfer (ET). Think I am going to give them a call on Monday.

Again, I cannot thank hubby for all his support through all of this. It has emotionally and financially affected us both and he continues to sit by my side along this very emotional rollercoaster ride. I LOVE HIM FOR THAT!!!! Among many other things of course :) Speaking of the financial aspect of things....this is a lot of money and I realize that but if it works it will be more than worth it, but if not...well, I have to feel good about the fact that we gave it our all and at least tried. Along these same lines if we do not end up w/ extra girl embryos to freeze this will be the end of the ride (given I am not PG in the end) as I cannot do another cycle and place my family in further debt. It's not fair to the family, hubby or the boys so I am attempting to stay realistic in all of this too. BUT for the present, I still have the chance and will do all I can to give it everything I have!

Appreciate all my wonderful friends whom have provided me ongoing support, thoughts and prayers along this process. I love you all!!!!


LL said...

WOW! it is just around the corner. Just think when we are in AZ visiting you will most likely have had the transfer! I would do the accupuncture if I were you. One if anything it will help with the stress and be a little relaxing. And I think that may be an important factor in this.

Anonymous said...

I know of a couple that did IVF, but failed. But they did a few months of acupuncture, and they got pregnant. So acupuncture does help. Also, if you take two tablespoon of olive oil before you go to sleep it helps your blood circulation, part of my detox program I've been working on. So having good blood circulation throughout your body will definitely help! I can tell a difference when i wake up in the morning.
