Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keeping Busy...

I am trying to keep my mind busy...well, it's really not too hard w/ two boys, a husband and a FT job! I am counting down the days though until I can begin preparing my body for the egg retrieval (ER). Hubby is having a TESA procedure so until we get a date set for that I will have to wait on my end of things. If all goes as planned, I am hopeful that we will have the egg transfer (ET) in May which means if this works I could be pregnant w/ a daughter by May! Hard to believe but yet exciting! I really hope (although not common) that this happens the first time b/c I am not too sure how many more times hubby is willing to try. As I stated before we were set on adoption and then changed our plans to try PGD/IVF, but if this does not work I would still like to pursue adoption although hubby tells me that adoption would not be an option if this doesn't work b/c of the finances. I feel like I have so much on the line w/ this now...he is in agreement though to foster adopt if this doesn't work which I think would be wonderful too, but I do pray that the IVF/PGD works for us...only time will tell.

So Chandler started baseball today and he had his first game. His team is all fairly new to baseball w/ the exception of a few..this is good since this is Chandler's first year too (well minus the one year he played when he was three, but does that really count???) He really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed watching him. Hubby has been trying to get Chandler into baseball for some time now since he enjoys playing, but we had him in karate instead. He did karate for years which I really think helped to bring him out of his "shyness" shell and grow, but it was time to try a new sport and hubby is very excited and interested in coaching possibly in the future. Anyway, we were very proud of him (see pic above)
For Codey, he is doing wonderful in soccer, his team won last week 2-1 and he scored both the goals! He is learning to become a bit more aggressive and learing to control the ball much better.

For me, well work is work...a very busy week and glad to have one more day off!

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